Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Personal Development Course

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before you get started...

    4. Personal Development A3 Slide Deck PDF

    1. Self-Assessment

    2. A Management, Leadership and Board Road Map to Transforming Care of Patients

    3. Five Changes Great Healthcare Leaders Make to Develop an Improvement Culture

    4. Senior Leader Self-Assessment Handout

    1. Personal Development A3

    2. A3 Personal Development Template

    1. Closing for Personal Development Course

    2. Evaluation

About this course

  • $699.00
  • 1 hour of video content

Included in this course

  • Downloadable Templates & Worksheets

    Continue to practice what you learn even after you complete the course.

  • Built-in Quizzes

    Test your knowledge and retention as you go.

  • Create a Plan

    Steps to help you create a plan to achieve your goals.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of what leadership behaviors are critical to ensuring sustainable improvement

  • Develop a personal plan for improvement that focuses on behaviors and opportunities to transform the culture of the organization through personal practice

Why wait?

begin focusing on your personal development today.

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About the Instructor

Executive Chairman of the Board John Toussaint

John is an Internist, former healthcare CEO and is one of the foremost figures in the adoption of organizational excellence principles in healthcare. He founded Catalysis a nonprofit education institute in 2008. Catalysis has launched peer-to-peer learning networks, developed in-depth workshops, and created many products – including books, DVDs, webinars and podcasts. John has published articles in major medical journals such as Health Affairs and JAMA and in major business journals such as Harvard Business Review. He has written three books all of which have received the prestigious Shingo Research and Publication Award. His groundbreaking first book, On the Mend: Revolutionizing Healthcare to Save Lives and Transform the Industry reveals how healthcare can be fundamentally improved at the point of delivery using the proven principles of enterprise excellence. His second book, Potent Medicine: The Collaborative Cure for Healthcare, describes the three core elements necessary to transform healthcare and deliver better value; delivery of care designed around the patient; transparency of treatment quality and cost; and payment for outcomes. His third book, Management on the Mend: The Executive Guide to System Transformation is a study of eleven organizations and the successful attempts to apply enterprise excellence principles in healthcare. A fourth book released in July 2020, Becoming the Change: Leadership Behavior Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Healthcare, co-authored with Kim Barnas showcases executives in healthcare around the world as they implement behavior-driven strategies to ensure quality care and create lasting change.